May 26What's Your Goal In That Friendship?Structure and intention within friendships, and two ways of navigating pain and discomfort, fast and slow.
May 5What Is Your Intuition Guiding You To?Remembering how to listen to your intuition, and journal prompts for past, present and future reflection.
Jan 28Am I 'Too Much'? ... Or Am I 'Not Enough'? I find it funny, in that kind of heartbreaking, cringing at the movie screen kind of way, that it’s never enough, and yet always too...
Jan 21Get Your Feelings Out, Let Your Partner In“I’m scared you’ll think I’m hideous,” I told him, reluctantly. Not hideous in a physical sense - but perhaps, that too. Hideous in a...
Jan 14Running From Our Problems Keeps Us Stuck In The Same PlaceSomething needed to be run out. Not for my usual orthorexic reasons: wanting to punish myself for eating poorly or out of anxiety. The...
Jul 23, 2023The Soft and Quiet Rage of Stillness He used one hand on my hip to gently and silently push me aside, and proceeded to lift the long paddleboard from its place in the shade...